How to protect your business with a comprehensive drugs and alcohol policy (including lawyer-drafted template)
What is a drugs and alcohol policy?
A drugs and alcohol policy is a written statement that outlines an organisation’s approach to substance misuse in the workplace. It typically applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors on company premises.
At its core, a drugs and alcohol policy defines:
The rules surrounding drug and alcohol use in the workplace.
How employees can seek help if they experience challenges related to drugs and alcohol, or wish to report that a colleague may be struggling in confidence.
The consequences employees can expect if they breach these rules.
A drugs and alcohol policy is essentially a written set of company rules, managerial/employee responsibilities and expectations that prioritise health and wellbeing regarding substance misuse in the workplace. It aims to protect both individuals and the businesses from the risks associated with drugs and alcohol.
Why does my business need a drugs and alcohol policy?
1. Promote a safe and healthy work environment
The main objective of a drugs and alcohol policy is to promote the wellbeing of all members of staff within an organisation. Substance misuse can lead to health problems, impaired judgment, and decreased productivity. It is therefore essential to clearly outline the company’s policy regarding drugs and alcohol during work hours, or when they could affect an employee’s performance.
A well-structured drugs and alcohol policy ensures employees understand company expectations, the consequences of misuse, and the support available should they need assistance. It also explains how the organisation will handle substance-related incidents, promoting a culture of safety and transparency throughout the workforce.
2. Clearly set out the company’s rules and establish a reporting procedure
A clear policy eliminates confusion about how substance-related issues will be managed. Employees and managers will know what to expect, whether it’s the company’s stance on alcohol at work events, the steps to take if someone appears to be under the influence, or how disciplinary matters are handled.
To ensure clarity, you may wish to define "drugs" (e.g. in line with the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971) and outline the procedure to follow if an employee is prescribed medication that could impact their performance at work. Additionally, by including a confidential reporting procedure, employees can rest assured that any concerns they have can be addressed quickly and without stigma attached.
By ensuring that management has adequate training on the company’s alcohol and drug policy, and this the procedures set out within the policy are followed, you promote fair treatment and prevent perceived bias amongst employees. It’s crucial that all members of staff are familiar with the action that may be taken if necessary, including disciplinary action.
3. Prevent accidents and enhance workplace safety
Substance misuse can pose significant risks in the workplace, particularly in roles involving machinery, vehicles, or customer interactions. A drugs and alcohol policy can reduce the likelihood of accidents or adverse scenarios playing out by clearly outlining the company’s rules surrounding drink and drugs in the workplace. It can also define any necessary procedures that the company may be required to take such as searches or testing (if appropriate) or protocols for addressing illegal drugs on company premises.
By addressing these risks proactively, you not only protect employees but also safeguard your business’s reputation and operational efficiency.
4. Provide access to support for those in need
While physical safety is a crucial aspect of any workplace, psychological safety is equally important. A strong drugs and alcohol policy not only defines unacceptable behaviours but also offers meaningful support to employees. This could include signposting professional resources, providing workplace assistance, and treating recovery from substance misuse with the same compassion and understanding as any other medical condition.
The policy should also emphasise that any reports of substance-related issues will be handled with the utmost confidentiality, ensuring employees feel safe coming forward. Maintaining privacy shows respect for individuals and helps reduce the stigma surrounding substance misuse. By maintaining an environment where concerns are addressed discreetly, you promote openness and strengthen psychological safety within the workplace.
If you're ready to create your own bespoke drugs and alcohol policy, click here.
What should be included in a drugs and alcohol policy?
While every workplace is different and will have different requirements depending on the industry it falls within, a comprehensive drugs and alcohol policy will typically include:
Purpose and scope: Explain the aim of the policy (e.g., to prioritise safety and health) and who it applies to.
Substances covered: Clearly outline that the policy addresses alcohol, illegal drugs, recreational highs, and prescription medications that may impair an employee's performance.
Process for prescription drugs: If relevant, state whether employees should report any use of prescription drugs that could affect their ability to work safely and effectively.
Employee confidentiality: Guarantee sensitive and confidential handling of substance-related issues.
Support options: Detail internal support mechanisms and provide information about external resources, such as counselling or rehabilitation services.
Procedures for addressing concerns: Outline what happens if someone is suspected of being under the influence or brings illegal substances to work.
Action taken: Clearly state the procedures for when informal and formal action will be taken, including when disciplinary action might be taken, such as in cases of repeated misconduct or risks to safety. If disciplinary action becomes necessary, it should be carried out in accordance with the organisation's disciplinary policy.
Stance on alcohol at work-related events: Set expectations for drinking at work-related functions, such as social events or client meetings.
Testing and search protocols (if relevant): Specify if and when testing and/or searches will occur, and ensure these procedures are legally compliant and conducted fairly.
Practical tips for implementing your drugs and alcohol policy
Creating a drugs and alcohol policy is an invaluable tool in preventing substance misuse in the workplace. To make it effective:
Provide adequate training to your SLT: Your senior leadership team should fully understand the policy and their role in enforcing it. Once management understand the rules and expectations, they can implement the policy accurately.
Communicate openly: Encourage employees to ask questions and seek clarification if there is anything that is not clear, or that they are unsure of within the policy. If there may be certain exceptions, e.g. taking clients out for meetings that may involve drinking alcohol, then this should be clarified.
Make it accessible: Ensure the policy is easily available to everyone it applies to, including managers, employees, consultants, contractors, etc. as without access to the policy, how can they be expected to understand the expectations and procedures contained within it? This ensures that you do not leave any room for ambiguity.
Review regularly: Update the policy to reflect changes in workplace practices or legal requirements.
Final thoughts
A drugs and alcohol policy establishes your company’s rules and expectations regarding substance use in the workplace. It’s a vital tool for setting clear boundaries on what is expected of employees during working hours and outlining the consequences of failing to comply with organisational standards.
By implementing a drugs and alcohol policy within your organisation with adequate training, you can minimise workplace issues while enhancing employee productivity and wellbeing.
How can Docue help?
For UK SMEs, a drugs and alcohol policy can be an invaluable addition to your business operations to ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to substance misuse in the workplace. It helps create a safer working environment, improves productivity, supports employee wellbeing and protects your business from potential risks. In an environment where employee health and workplace safety are paramount, having a clear drugs and alcohol policy positions your business to succeed.
With Docue, you can effortlessly create a high-quality drugs and alcohol policy tailored to your organisation’s needs. Our template, designed by experienced lawyers, includes model clauses and step-by-step guidance to help you craft a policy that reflects your business values and practices.
Sign up today to start using Docue’s drugs and alcohol policy template.

Tags: drugs and alcohol policy, drugs and alcohol policy sample, drugs and alcohol policy example
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