What is an internal data protection policy?
An internal data protection policy will set out the standards that an organisation must meet, and the expectations of its staff, to ensure compliance with data protection law in the UK. An internal data protection policy summarises key definitions and principles under data protection law and acts as a reference point for anyone within an organisation who handles personal data, with procedures to follow to ensure UK GDPR compliance. Find out more about data protection policies here.
Why does my business need an internal data protection policy?
An internal data protection policy can provide many benefits to a business, including:
Legal requirement - although there is no legal requirement to have a data protection policy in place, an internal data protection policy can be a key tool in enabling a business to demonstrate compliance with the accountability principle under UK data protection law. The accountability principle requires you to take responsibility for what you do with personal data and how you comply with the other principles. You must have appropriate measures and records in place to be able to demonstrate your compliance;
Prevent data breaches - there are few things so dreaded in the world of business as a data breach. In recent years, headlines have been smothered in reports of hefty fines, broken consumer trust, and mismanagement of personal data – all thanks to a data breach. As you can imagine, an internal data protection policy is a particularly useful document to have in your portfolio to prevent and manage data breaches;
Protects reputation and builds customer’s trust - people’s personal data is important to them so a data breach can be extremely damaging to a business’s reputation. Mismanaged data protection practices can lose the hard-earned trust of your customer base and make you less desirable to potential employees - having a clear policy in place reduces this risk;
Avoids fines - in the event of a data breach or other non-compliance with data protection laws, your business could be exposed to multi-million-pound fines and legal action - a well-drafted internal data protection policy will include procedures for reducing the risk of, and managing, a data breach;
Shows you take privacy seriously - although it is in an internal policy, a well-drafted data policy will show your employees that you are serious about protecting personal data and know that compliance with data protection laws is important;
Leads to consistency - as with all internal business policies, an internal data protection policy can help to ensure that staff are taking a consistent approach. It can be a key tool to ensuring that all staff follow the same data protection procedures and comply with data protection laws.
Global business - if your business operates internationally or deals with international customers, you may need to comply with multiple data protection laws. An internal data protection policy can help you navigate these complexities and remain in compliance with different global laws.
How can Docue help?
Docue’s dynamic internal data protection policy template has been drafted by privacy lawyers to help you comply with UK data protection laws. The internal data protection policy template is easily customisable to suit your requirements - all you have to do is answer a series of simple questions and you will have a tailored internal gdpr policy in no time.
Sign up now to use Docue's internal data protection policy and other data protection templates.

Tags: internal data protection policy, internal gdpr policy
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